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 Zara Hyde


Zara is a strong willed woman who likes to take risks. She's a vegetarian, and sets out to save the world one leaf at a time. She's high into protesting at any cost. She's also very talented in music like her best friend Jace, where their parents taught them to be a set of musical genious side by side. That's how they met after all. Zara strayed from the musical path a bit by taking karate, photography, swimming, etc. amount of classes so she could be the star her parents desired her to be. She likes to be in control and the most talented character in the room.


As for abilities Zara shares her love of mythology by transforming into mythical creatures at will, taking on their advantages and weakness. Or she can take on traits of a fellow animal such as growing a mermaids tail or having snakes as hair. It tires her out the more she transforms and puts her at risk of going into a coma like she has in the past. But, to protect the world she would do anything, even if it meant ending her life. 


Stay tuned for her in Brotherhood: Awakening 



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